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5 Reasons to Clean Your Carpet In The Summer

5 Reasons to Clean Your Carpet In The Summer

Summer has arrived in Melbourne and brings with it plenty of sunshine along with dust and dirt. For home and office owners, summer brings unique challenges due to the plenty of filth that quickly accumulates on the carpet, necessitating frequent cleaning. From unruly children running all over the place to guests spilling drinks and food, some months can leave your carpet looking very dirty. Here are top reasons is why you should arrange carpet cleaning Melbourne this summer.

Clear dirt that accumulated during the spring

Spring months in Melbourne are the time when plants come to life. There is plenty of bloom and lush vegetation that soon flowers, producing beautiful colours and enchanting scents. Unfortunately, the vigorous plant activity comes at a cost as you may collect plant-based litter on your shoes and other attire and drop them on the carpet. Carpets are also likely to accumulate vegetative stains. This is not to mention dirt from pollen, flowers and sticky seeds that the wind may deposit on your carpet. Luckily, you can remove all this dirt and stains using steam cleaning services from reputable carpet cleaning Melbourne.

Preparation for the school holidays

School holidays are beckoning, and you need to prepare your home for a period when your kids will spend plenty of time inside and around the house. You know children are susceptible to allergens and infections caused by dirt that accumulates on the carpet. You can protect your kids from such illnesses by steam cleaning the carpet. Cleaning it will allow them to play on the rug while you undertake important tasks. However, you will still need to clean it several more times than you usually do during the schooling months because it gets dirty faster after whole days of kids stomping on it. Therefore, hire a reputable steam cleaner who will be available on call whenever you need to clean your carpet.

Moving premises

Summer months are especially convenient for families wishing to move apartments or even emigrate to another part of the city. People love to move during this period because the school year has ended, and children can change schools without much hustle. Businesses also like to move during this period because there are plenty of business opportunities to be had. They can leverage such opportunities to settle down in the new environment. If you plan on moving in the summer, it makes sense to enlist the services of a carpet cleaner to clean it before it is laid on your new residence or premises.

Dirt accumulates faster in the summer

Most residents of Melbourne like to spend time outdoors in the summer months. The warm weather, cool waters and kids running around pulls even the most sedentary adults out and about. Inevitably, spending time outside exposes people to dirt and stains that stick to your shoes. All this dirt eventually finds its way to your carpet. Even if you remove your shoes at the entrance, some dirt will have accumulated on your hair and clothes and fall on the mat.
Moreover, children are very active during the summer months spending hours playing outdoors or even going to camp. Parents know that even the most disciplined children can become unruly when excited. It won’t be long before those boots and clothes full of dirt find their way into the carpet, leaving dirt streaks and stains all over. Children may also frequently run from the pool into the house. The dirty pool water and chemicals accumulate, causing mounds to accumulate on the carpet. This dirt needs to be steam cleaned quite often to prevent it from morphing into allergies and infections.

Summer holidays

Summer months coincide with the holiday season, meaning that a lot of events and parties will take place at your home or property. Whether it is a Christmas party or a grill and beer enjoyed with friends, you are bound to lose your guard and end spilling more dirt on the carpet than you would do on regular days. Parties are events during which everyone breaks the rules, and it is not odd to find barbecue sauce, alcohol and spice stains on the carpet a day after the party is over. Meanwhile, your overexcited pet may drag a morsel into the house, and before you know it, the carpet will be stinking of rotten meat. All this dirt needs to be cleaned by a proper carpet cleaning service.

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